Planning Applications
P24/02058/CLP - 99 Badminton Road, Downend, South Gloucestershire, BS16 6BX - Creation of a rear dormer and hip to gable roof extension to facilitate loft conversion.
P24/02053/ADV - 20-22 Badminton Road Lloyds Bank PLC, Downend, South Gloucestershire, BS16 6BW - Display of 2no. internally illuminated protruding signs, 1no. internally illuminated fascia sign, 3no internally illuminated 'other' signs, 3no. non illuminated aluminium panel sign, 1no. circular emblem sign, 1no empty poster case sign and vinyl sticker sign.
P24/02120/HH - 2 Redcar Court, Downend, South Gloucestershire, BS16 6RW - 2 Redcar Court Downend South Gloucestershire BS16 6RW Erection of two storey rear and side extension to form additional living accommodation (resubmission of P23/02777/HH)
P24/02137/HH - 12 Sandringham Avenue,Downend,South Gloucestershire, BS166NL - Demolition of existing attached outbuildings and rear extension.
Erection of single storey rear and side extensions to formadditional living accommodation.