Downend Library

On 20 December 2016, D&BH PC moved into an office within Downend Library. The Parish Clerk had worked from home prior to this and with all the extra responsibilities and transfer of services from South Gloucestershire Council, it was felt that the time was right to have a central location where members of the public could speak directly to the Council. The office is currently open to the public on Monday and Wednesday mornings, 9.30am-midday. The sports pitches and pavilions at King George V, Badminton Road and Bromley Heath Playing Fields came under the Parish Council's control from 1 April 2017, so a central location will enable the user groups of the facilities to approach the Parish Council directly. An on-line booking system is up and running where the facilities can be booked 24/7.

Annual Assembly 2017
May 2016 National Scheme Award
Local Council Award Scheme (LCAS)