Your Councillors
For: 2023 - 2027

Tel: 0117 957 6987 or 07966 204 260
Downend Ward
Downend Ward

Tel: 0117 957 0075
Downend Ward
Downend Ward

CLLR Janet
Tel: 0117 957 6987 or 07966 204 260
Downend Ward
Downend Ward
Finance & General Purpose Committee

Tel: 0117 957 6987 or 07966 204 260
Downend Ward
Downend Ward
Planning Committee
Business Plan Working Group
Sports Pitches Working Group
The Chair and Vice Chair of Council are ex-officio members of every committee and sub committee.

Tel: 0117 957 6987 or 07966 204 260
Downend Ward
Downend Ward