PRESENTATION FROM ANNUAL ASSEMBLY ON 16 MARCH 201928th March 2019 The presentation made at the Annual Assembly is now available to view. Contact Us
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22nd March 2019 The LED replacement programme in Downend & Bromley Heath will replace all of the traditional type street lighting lanterns to an LED type. This is an 'invest to save' project which is designed to pay for itself over time and then deliver ongoing savings to South Gloucestershire Council. The attached documents from South Glos Cou...
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Come along and meet your local Neighbourhood Policing Team. You can talk to them about any issues or concerns and get crime prevention advice. Where? – Downend Library on Wednesday's between 10-11am ...
1511 Hits
The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into effect in the UK from 25 May 2018. It replaces the existing law on data protection (the Data Protection Act 1998) and gives individuals more rights and security regarding how their personal data is used by councils. Technology is moving fast. Almost everything we do – keeping in touch with fr...
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In the spring of 2017 a tree in memory of Cllr Graeme Riley was planted in the area of open space by Britannia Wood. The Parish Council also organised a memorial plaque in Graeme's honour.
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