Stop Loan Sharks


 At the most recent Community Engagement Forum, a presentation was made about Loan Sharks by the England Illegal Money Lending team. With the pandemic and the cost of living rising, more people are turning to illegal lenders. A Loan Shark is defined as 'someone who lends money without the correct permission required by the Financial Services and Markets Act'. There is a short YouTube video explaining this in more detail at

How to spot a loan shark - YouTube

Stop Loan Sharks are the lead organisation in England with the power to prosecute loan sharks and illegal money lenders.Since 2004, they have helped over 30,000 people who have borrowed from loan sharks.

If you have borrowed from a loan shark or are worried about someone else, they will provide help and will keep you safe. Their specially trained staff will provide you with emotional and practical support that is tailored to your needs.

Call them 24/7 on 0300 555 2222 or start a Live Chat with them by visiting their website

Home - Stop Loan Sharks

24 May 2022
Profit and Loss 31 March 2022
Local Council Award Scheme (LCAS)