Update from South Gloucestershire

Update for our residents 2 September 2020   
Message from the council

A big welcome to all those children and young people who started at our schools this week (and congratulations to parents and carers for getting them there!).

This year has its own particular challenges but parents and carers can rest assured that measures are in place to keep children and young people safe. We already experienced a successful return to school in June, when children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 and students from Year 10 and 12 went back. This success was entirely because of the excellent planning by our schools, working with guidance from our schools support teams. Schools have since built on this experience to ensure that all children return safely this week. You'll find practical advice and information in the update below.

Thank you for your support.

Cllr Toby Savage

Leader of South
Gloucestershire Council

Dave Perry

Chief Executive, South
Gloucestershire Council

              Covid-19: the local picture at-a-glance
We would like to share our new local Covid-19 dashboard with you.
A dashboard is an 'at-a-glance' picture of the current situation in South Gloucestershire. Ours provides the latest published Covid-19 figures for South Gloucestershire, including:
  • total number of laboratory confirmed cases to date in South Gloucestershire
  • number of laboratory confirmed cases in South Gloucestershire in the last 7 days
  • total number of all deaths of South Gloucestershire residents by week, since January 2020
  • total number of deaths of South Gloucestershire residents where Covid-19 is mentioned on the death certificate, and place of death for these Covid-19 deaths.
This is updated daily Monday to Friday, in the morning. Visit 

Electric Scooter Trial
I September 2020
Local Council Award Scheme (LCAS)