
2018 Event

From 2 July until 2 September 2018, 67 uniquely designed sculptures of Nick Park's Academy Award®- winning characters Wallace, Gromit and Feathers McGraw hit the streets of Bristol and the surrounding area to raise money for Bristol Children's Hospital. Downend & Bromley Heath Parish Council sponsored the sculpture 'Champion' by Mike Ogden, whi...

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  1681 Hits

Downend Library

On 20 December 2016, D&BH PC moved into an office within Downend Library. The Parish Clerk had worked from home prior to this and with all the extra responsibilities and transfer of services from South Gloucestershire Council, it was felt that the time was right to have a central location where members of the public could speak directly to the ...

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  1862 Hits

Unveiling of plaque by Jenny Jones, Olympic Snowboarder

Jenny Jones, British professional snowboarder and Olympic bronze medalist, came back to her home town to unveil a plaque which has been installed in her honour. The plaque was the idea of Downend & Bromley Heath Parish Council who wanted to celebrate Jenny's achievement of winning the first ever British medal on snow in the Slopestyle...

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  2666 Hits

Downend Business Community (DBC)

The Downend Business Community (DBC) was set up in Spring 2010 as a result of D&BH PC working in partnership with South Gloucestershire Council to form a business partnership for the area. The DBC has now gone from strength to strength. For additional information, please visit their website,

  1881 Hits

Britannia Event

One of the largest and most prestigious events held was on 3 November 2007 – a day of remembrance for those on board the Britannia airliner which, in November 1957, crashed in Britannia Wood with the loss of life of all on board. The aircraft was on a test flight from Filton. A plaque commemorating this event was unveiled by Mrs Statham, the widow ...

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  1862 Hits

Downend through the years

Over the years, the Parish Council has contributed to various youth projects in the parish, including outreach work at Badminton Road Methodist Youth Centre and financially supporting the new pavilion at Pomphrey Hill which is used by many groups from the parish. Our most recent youth project we have supported has been the new Youth Hub at Christ C...

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  2559 Hits

Parish Bus Services

The Parish Council has fought hard over the years both to improve and maintain bus services. This includes sponsoring the N47 Night Bus since June 2006, until it was replaced by the local No.48 24-hour bus service. The Parish Council has also sponsored a shoppers express bus (service 462) since 2011. D&BH PC has funded the i...

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  1795 Hits


In 2005, we held our first Christmas event when Christmas lights were purchased and put up in Downend Village. Over the years, this event has grown. We also make arrangements for, and fund, the erection of the Christmas tree outside the Horseshoe Pub. Other events held include organising an annual Carol Service, various public meetings, an annual c...

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  1789 Hits

Regeneration of Downend Centre

In partnership with South Gloucestershire Council, Downend Centre was regenerated in 2005. Part of this scheme was a complete repaving of the area and the installation of numerous seats, litter bins, benches and cycle parking stands throughout the parish. Street lighting was updated, including the installation of a light in the lane by the Britanni...

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  1918 Hits

Downend Farmers Market opens

In September 2005, after a great deal of research by D&BH PC, the Parish Council facilitated the opening of the Downend Farmers Market which was an outstanding success. This continued until 2007 but unfortunately had to close due to dwindling sales.

  1815 Hits

Parish Sign Posts

You will see from our Open Spaces page that over the years the Parish Council has funded significant improvements to our parks, play areas and footpaths, as well as maintaining the skate park at Bromley Heath. Fingerpost signs have been installed and detailed Community Walks have been designed for residents of all ages and ability.

  1867 Hits
Local Council Award Scheme (LCAS)